Amenos. The prison island… The forest was thick, the walls high separating the small township from the bulk part of the island and apart from ALL the other islands this place was the most inhospitable. Only those thought to have committed the most heinous of acts were sent here, to die for all the government on the main island cared. How he'd need upon of them was still a question in the dark elves mind as he looked back to the large gate closing behind him. The sounds of birds crying out in the distance might have been pretty had it not carried an eerie bit of doom with it. Firstly, he wasn't innocent by any means! He'd had his hands in the pockets of many, committed unthinkable war crimes during his time with the Pact and the list went on. However, slaughtering an entire family in their sleep was NOT one of them. The accusations were false, the humans far to content to throw his kind away with little real trial! And where in all of this had Falvis and Dranos ...