Troy to Dalziel: "You look great today!" Who the... Oh look, it was that weird kid from the college. Dalziel eyed the blonde for a minute with a serious expression for a long moment. "Indicating I don't look great every other day?"He replied a bit smartly before glancing back down to his phone that he'd been checking while waiting for his coffee. "Implying that some days I pay more attention to your looks than others," Troy said, nodding gravely. Then he grinned and moved to the seat right next to his. "I'm not sure we've met. I'm Troy. I've seen you around a couple times." Dalziel looked to the other with what nearly looked like an annoyed expression before he was suddenly snickering "Seen yes, met... No afraid not. I usually do better at avoiding actually speaking to human beings. Guess today isn't exactly my day is it" He joked a bit dryly at the other as he glanced briefly to where the other was...